
Su's Project

I have been beading. In fact, I spent the whole of Saturday beading. I have a project I wanted to get done before the fair.

I have a friend named Su. Every once in awhile she will bring me some jewelry she owns and ask me to 'fix it'. The jewelry is not actually broken. She just doesn't like it for one reason or another. So I take it home and turn it into something she'll like. She insists on paying me for doing this for her. But I'd do it for free just cuz the challenge is fun.

About a month or so ago she handed me a pair of earrings, which I'm not going to talk about now cuz they aren't done, and two identical necklaces made with some kind of blue stone. They were very simple. Round beads with small silver seed beads between. She said she didn't like them. Could I make a bracelet out of them for her? I can do whatever I want. No hurry.

I've been letting this project ferment in my brain every since. Hmmm....what will I do? I decided this last week and got to work.

I made this first.

I just shortened one of the necklaces. Voila! Bracelet.

There were a lot of left over beads. So I dug in my stash for some 4mm Swarovski Crystals and glass pearls. I also used some pale blue transparent size 11 seed beads. I made the bracelet on the left.

It's a variation on the X's and O's pattern, also known as the Hugs and Kisses bracelet.

This used to be a free pattern on the internet but that web site is no longer available, so I've linked to a paid version of the pattern. It was published in Bead and Button Magazine some years ago. They have it on their site.

The clasp here is just a simple lobster claw.

Here's a close up. I've made this bracelet several times. Still, I only own two. It's one of those bracelets that a friend admires, so I take it off my wrist and hand it to them. I think to myself "I can make another." I need to make some more.

After finishing the bracelet I still had a whole lot of those blue beads left. I decided to make a matching necklace.

The pendant is just the X'x and O's pattern severely shortened.

Now Su has a set.

She doesn't get it, though, until after the fair.

It was hot today. In the 90's. Later in the afternoon the air got very smokey. Fire season has begun. Smoke is blowing in from areas north and west of us. The heat of today aggravated the nearby fires. This was the view of the sun from my driveway this afternoon.

I guess I'll be spending the rest of the summer indoors. This is when having asthma makes me anxious.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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