

I am kind of getting excited at the prospect of getting all the knitting done on Margaret Tudor, even though I've still got a couple months at least before I get to that point. So today I decided it was time to order the buttons. I need 56 silver metal buttons for this sweater.

A few months ago I'd found some wonderful buttons on Amazon that were about 10 bucks for 50. I would have to buy 2 packs, but 20 bucks is not bad when you need 56 buttons. I put them in my wish list. However, recently they changed it to 6 buttons for 9.00. I don't know why they did that (I suspect that seller is no longer working through Amazon), but there is no way I am paying that.

At regular button prices, and my husband not working, I can't afford to buy that many of them. So I started searching on the internet for bulk button sources. I found one that had the most perfect buttons and for 56 it's only costing me about $8.00. That includes the $2.30 cents for shipping.

I'm getting them from a Chinese company called 8 Seasons. The buttons should be here in about 3 weeks. They have a pretty good rating with people, so I'm not worried. I've had some very good experiences when ordering overseas.

For the first time in years, I'm filling the seed bird feeders this summer. In the past I'd fill them and no birds would visit. Eventually I stopped filling at the end of spring. I didn't this time and I'm glad I didn't. An Evening Grossbeak has been visiting the bird buffet, as well as the usual Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Finches. I'm happy about that. Not putting out suet though because it tends to melt in the summertime.

The temperatures have dropped a bit here and we've been getting rain the last couple days. It's been nice having some rain. I have to admit, though, our July weather has been cooler than usual. Usually by now we've had at least 1, if not 2, weeks of upper 90's and low 100's in the temperature department. I'm enjoying the cooler weather. It makes for more deck knitting.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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