
WIP Wednesday 3/27/2019

I'm making slow progress on Margaret Tudor. I've done all the math and figured out what I need to do to enlarge the pattern. Now I'm working on the back right panel with size adjustments. So far, so good.

I finished the knitting on the layette cardigan I've been working on too. It just needs a button. Now I'm trying to find time to knit the hat for it. And booties and blanket. I have made a goal of working a minimum of 2 hours a day on Margaret Tudor. I've been sticking to it, but it doesn't leave me much time to knit on other things. Especially since I've been sewing.

I finished my shirt. It actually fits good. I wore it Sunday. Folks got a real kick out of the knitting sheep.

I've purchased some fabric for another shirt. This is SO PRETTY! The colors are so vivid.

I found some leftover green in my stash that I'm thinking about using for the collar. Hope to start work on it over the weekend, since we're supposed to get rain.

The past week the weather has been wonderful. We had several sunny warm days in the upper 50's/low 60's. The snow is melting like crazy. None is blocking the windows and we've even got a bit of bare ground. The frost has come out of the driveway. Just a matter of time before stuff starts blooming.

There's still a lot of snow on the deck. Daughter Ruth actually went out and shoveled a small amount off the deck for the cats. They wanted to go outside onto the deck and lay in the sunshine but there was so much snow. She shoveled around one of the chairs so I could sit out there with them and knit, which I tried to do. The sun was very warm, but the breeze was so cold blowing across all the snow in the yard I gave up and went back inside, with freezing hands. Another week and it should all be melted off and then I can drag the cushions out of storage and set up the deck furniture properly.

Well, that's it for today.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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