
WIP Update

Just a quick WIP post. I have been knitting on Margaret Tudor for hours this past week, but haven't made much progress. I'm doing the first thistle panel and it has not gone well. All I have managed to finish is 3 repeats of the chart. There are supposed to be 5+ repeats in each panel.

It's a little more difficult than I remember. I keep making mistakes and having to frog back. I've re-knit this thing 3 times so far. I get just about finished with the 3rd repeat and I'd find a bad mistake down below near the beginning. Man, I'm putting a lot of hours into it for not much progress. Today I finally got past the spot I always find mistakes at and made real progress. It's only a few rows, but it sure makes me feel better. I think I'm getting to know the chart now. I have all the symbols memorized so I don't have to refer to the abbreviation list any more. Things should start going better.

I gave the needle case to my friend Phyllis and she loves it. That makes me very happy. Now I'm inspired to do some more sewing. Early last year I ordered a couple patterns and some cotton fabric to make myself some tops. I'm going to start one of them. This is the fabric. Knitting sheep, seems so apropos. I pre-washed it yesterday.

This is the pattern I'm going to use.  I will start cutting out pieces tomorrow, I hope.

There's shorts in that pattern too. It would be nice to have some matching shorts to go with. Maybe in a bright red corduroy. I love corduroy. Haven't had any in my wardrobe since the 80's.

The winter storm I was expecting at my last post didn't happen until a couple days later. We had another one last night that dumped a few more inches. Ugh! More is supposed to come in the days ahead. I am so tired of snow. Records of snowfall for February are being broken all over the area. Temps too. Usually in February we get 40's during the day and 20's at night. We've had several days were it didn't even get above freezing during the day, and single digits at night. Hey Spring! We're ready for ya!

Live long and prosper. \\//

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