
The Simple Woman's Daybook for February 13, 2017

Outside my window...
The sun is shining and it's warm enough that it's melting the snow. Yay! In another hour or so it will start shining in the living room windows. I plan to sit in a sunbeam for a bit and soak it in.

I am thinking...
it was good that I took the trouble to refill the bird feeders at the Parkarosa Bird Buffet yesterday. They hadn't been refilled since before we went on our cruise. I didn't do much of anything when I was sick. I certainly didn't go outside any more than absolutely necessary. I did try about 5 days ago to do it, but the snow goes all the way up past my hips and I just couldn't walk through it to get to the tree. Sweet hubby used his tractor to dig the snow out for me. I was worried the birds had left my neighborhood, but they haven't. They are back at the feeders already entertaining us.

I am thankful for...
the new camera. At first, I wasn't real happy with it, but now that I'm getting to know it, I'm feeling better about it. Yesterdays pics were taken with it. I am also thankful that my blood test had good results this morning. My blood is back to the thickness it should be. Now it's just a matter of keeping it that way.

From the kitchen...
I'm planning to make meatloaf for dinner. I love my meatloaf. It will be accompanied by baked potatoes and a veggie. Probably cauliflower, since there is one in the refrigerator.

I am wearing...
blue jeans and a lavender t-shirt with crocheted lace trim around the neckline.

I am creating...
mittens, as I wrote yesterday. I am thinking about getting back into beading. I miss it. Haven't really been doing it because my eyes were giving me so much trouble with the dry eye thing. However, they are doing much better now that I've developed a care routine for them. I don't have problems with dry eyes nearly as much as I used to. I think I want to make a Christmas ornament cover.

I am going...
well, I'm not quite sure about tomorrow. Normally I would go to Rathdrum Knitalong, but I've got a crew coming to repair our heat pump tomorrow morning. I don't know how long it's going to take, so I won't know if I can go until the moment it's time for me to leave.

I am reading...
Sarek by A.C. Crispin. Last Tuesday, at Rathdrum Knitalong, one of the members gave the book to me. We meet at the library. They are having a sale on books they no longer need where you fill a bag with books and it costs a dollar. Barb bought a bag of books, including this book for me. I thought that was so sweet. She knows I'm a Trekkie. I am enjoying the book.

I am hearing...
the television. Sweet hubby is watching the movie 2012. He took the day off from work today because he had to move some snow so we can open the gate into the back yard so the repairmen will be able to get to the heat pump. The snow has become hard, like a rock, in that area. I can actually stand on top of it. He worked on it yesterday, but it turned out to be a much harder job than he thought it would, so he finished it today. It took a propane torch, a shovel, and a large pan of boiling water before he got all the snow out of the way of the gate. I am longing for spring.

By the way, did I mention our fence is done? They finished it while we were away on our cruise. I am so happy to have it now. We taught Zoey how to use the doggy door and now she takes herself outside to the back yard whenever she wants, and I don't have to worry about her.

Around the house...
there are fur kids laying around taking their naps. It's nice and peaceful. Zoey is sleeping on the chair, beside me, with her head on my legs.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
On Wednesday I have a North Idaho Secular Society meeting to go to, and on Thursday is Yarnies, as well as another blood test. It's going to be a busy week. I'm feeling up to it too. That is a good thing.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
On the cruise we often found towel animals in our cabin. Here's an alligator.

If you want to join the Simple Woman's Daybook, click here.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. We've had sunshine and snow starting to melt too. What a cute towel animal on your cabin bed. That's fun.

    Wishing you a great week ahead...

  2. Visiting from Peggy's...
    I'm going to go look at your mittens.
    Your grumpy cat picture would totally freak me out!
    God bless!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
