
2016 Knitting In Review

I was going to make a little collage of all the things I knitted last year and post it here with a review, but when I sat down and really looked at my Ravelry notebook, I discovered a collage is not going to work. I knit 73 individual projects in 2016. I am gobsmacked! Admittedly most all of them were small projects, but still...73! I have never knit that much in one year before, and I thought all year I wasn't knitting very much. Fooled myself, didn't I?  There will only be pics of my favorites.

So, of those 73 projects, I made 12 layette sets (4 pieces each equals 48) for KnitWits. This one is my favorite.

I also made 3 pairs of mittens and 1 pair of fingerless mitts, 1pair of socks, 2 adult hats,

14 doll outfits,

and 4 doll hats.

You'll find pics of everything but 3 of the doll hats on my 2016 Finished Knitting page.

I don't know if I'll be able to put out that much this year. I guess I'll find out. I am planning on doing more color stranded knitting for 2017. I'd like to get really good at it.

The weather has been pretty rainy this past week. There have been a lot of flood warnings for the various creeks and rivers in the area. I'm so glad we live on a hill. Today it's been a nice break from the rain. Actual sunshine has been so nice to see. I just wish it was as warm out there as it looks. No such luck. A cold spell is moving in. Snow in our future. Ugh.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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