

November has been such an incredibly busy month for me. Besides taking care of Zoey, I taught 3 knitting classes a week, plus all my normal busy stuff. To top it off, I have not been feeling well. The anxiety disorder has been giving me a lot of problems. I finally went to my doctor last Tuesday. He's changed my medication. I was having nasty side affects. I had them earlier in the year and he increased my dosage plus added a second medication. I was fine for awhile, and then they came back worse than before. So now I'm taking something new. I sure hope it works like it should. The last few weeks have been a nightmare.

Add to that the bad news we got. One of my very best friends son was diagnosed with brain cancer. I was devastated. Cried for almost a week. He's only 29. Too young for this kind of thing. My daughters grew up with him, so he's almost like a son to me.  It's pretty serious. He had brain surgery the very next morning after the MRI results came in. The surgeon was able to get about 80% of it out. My friends son started chemo and radiation therapy a couple weeks ago. He, and his parents, are keeping a positive attitude about it. We're hoping he can beat that nasty cancer and send it packing.

Zoey news: The puppy obedience class is going well. I'm learning a lot. We've discovered Zoey has a stubborn streak in her though. She's very smart and catches on fairly quickly to learning new things, but she's also figuring out ways to get around stuff she doesn't want to do. I'm trying to teach her Leave It, but she doesn't want to learn that one. I'm going through training treats like crazy (not to mention kleenex-the thing she's supposed to leave alone). Buying the large bags.

Trying to help me fold laundry--not.

On the potty training front, she went in the house just a few times this last week, so we are making progress. The good thing is she doesn't go in her crate, ever. She also goes on command when I take her outside. This will be great when we travel with her.

By the way, she's up to 22 pounds and her back is just above the top of the coffee table.

I finished the first of the Op-Art socks. This pic was taken with my phone camera and the colors are off some. They're much brighter and greener in real life.

I've made some mistakes in them that I decided not to go back and fix. The thick green line along the sides from the toe is supposed to go all the way to the heel. I didn't have the pattern with me when I worked on that part and guessed wrong. Oh well, the second one will be correct. I am proud of the workmanship just the same. No puckering in the pattern, even at the needle changes. The floats look great on the inside. YAY!

I started the second sock right away. I'm just starting the third (and last) pattern repeat in the leg. Getting close to the heel part-which is my favorite.

I've been sort of working on a pair of mens size mittens for KnitWits. It's my Knitting In Public project when I'm going someplace where I can't have something that takes as much concentration as the socks.

I have the pattern memorized so I don't have to hardly think about it when I'm knitting along. I'm using a skein of Berroco Vintage that I bought a few years ago when I was back in Michigan taking care of my Dad right when he'd had his stroke.

I had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was my turn to host. We had 15 people at our table this year, family and close friends. We had tons of food. My turkey turned out perfect. So juicy, tender, and delicious. My stuffing was good too, but I wasn't happy with my mashed potatoes and gravy. I tried something new and I'll not being doing it again. Everyone else seemed to like it though.

We are moving stuff into the new garage now. It's already getting crowded. There is lots of lumber. Part of it is leftovers from the building of the garage. The rest is stuff  Sweet Hubbies brother brought over. The biggest problem we have is no shelves or cupboards to put things in, or peg board to hang things on. So the day after Thanksgiving Dan, Sue, nephew David and his girlfriend came over and helped Doug hang sheet rock on the walls so he can start building shelving and all that. It was so incredibly nice of them to do that. They got the whole job done in just a few hours. Now we can start getting things to put stuff away in and get organized.

Last week I bought plane tickets for our Star Trek Cruise. The ship starts in Miami, Florida. Just a month and a half away. I'm getting excited!

I got a new doll. More about that later. Gotta get some photos taken.

I am not ready for the Christmas season to be here. Guess I better get ready though. It's here whether I want it or not. I have no classes to teach in December. That should help some. I'm hoping things slow down just a bit, and my medication works properly. Life would be so much better if I was feeling good again.

It's raining right now. I am so sick of rain. It's been raining for weeks now. But, at least it isn't snowing.

This week the fence is supposed to be installed. Hoping it happens.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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