
My Fair Entries for 2012

Thought I'd post what my fair entries are this year. Every year I think I don't have anything to enter, and by the time entry days arrive, I discover I actually have quite a bit. This year was not any different.

I have 4 knitting entries.

The Butterflly Shawl

Fingerless Mitts

One pair of socks

and a baby sweater

I have several beading entries.

Not that I did more beading than knitting. I didn't. I just gave away most of the knitting I've done this past year.

and a necklace that apparently I've not taken pictures of yet. (Been busy!) Interesting. I made it a few years ago, but never entered it because it had problems. I took some of it apart and redid it this year so it would be better. I've learned new stuff since I made it. I will have to make sure I get some pictures of it. Anyway, I've entered it in General Crafts-Jewelry because it's more a strung necklace rather than bead weaving with a needle.

 I entered this stocking.

I'm doing the Apple Pie contest too. I turn the pie in on the 20th. This is something new for me. I've never entered a cooking contest before. But, every time I make an apple pie I get rave reviews, so I might as will give it a try.

Judging day was yesterday. I'm so glad I'm not a judge. It's a very tough job. When it gets down to choosing the Grand Champions, there is much fretting and pulling of hair. How to choose? Glad I don't have to. I know the results on all of my knitting entries, but will post about that later.

Today is set-up day. We set up everything on display. I will be exhausted by the time I get home tonight. Don't want to cook dinner after that's for sure. Usually all I want is a soft recliner and a bottle of pain killers. Hmmm, will have to think of something.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. Fair judging is not that tough. It gets hard when everything is good, or when nothing is good. When I judge I put the blue ribbon projects where I can see them easily. The i go back to pick best of class or whatever it's called at that fair.
    Usually there is one project that stands out for some reason.

  2. Your fair items are wonderful! I'm impressed with all you get done..and so well!
    Could you please tell me what yarn you used for your socks and fingerless mitts? I have been trying to find something that pools with no luck!
    I'm MzMar on raverly ....
    thank you

  3. Marianne,
    I used Knitivity Phydlbitz sock yarn.
