
Playing With Paintshop

It's been hot today. Got up to 85F. I am actually enjoying it. So much nicer than snow. After the shade hit the deck this afternoon I poured myself a hard ice tea on ice and went out and sat in that shade and knitted for awhile. There was a nice breeze blowing. Very enjoyable and I got a few rows done on the butterfly shawl.

After dinner tonight-which consisted of roast beef cooked on the barbecue grill, boiled potatoes, and strawberry spinach salad- I decided to play with my Paintshop Photo Pro X3 program creating tiles for blog backgrounds. (Yes, I know they are up to version X4 now. Haven't upgraded.) Believe it or not, the current tiles I'm using I created starting with the close up picture of the Fairy Slipper in yesterdays post. I had way too much fun creating it. I discovered some tile making tools, and some very interesting color changing tools that I find quite intriguing. There is so much this program can do. I made a few different tiles which I thought I'd post on here and give permission for you to use them if you so desire. Just right click on the image and save it to your hard drive. They are all jpeg format and 144x144 pixels in size because that's the size my blog template prefers. Use them as they are, or stick 'em in your own paint program and change the colors. They are all from that same Fairy Slipper pic.

Live long and prosper. \\//

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