
WIP Wednesday 4/25/2012

It's WIP Wednesday!

Here is a new knitting WIP. My daughter has designed and written a shawl pattern. I am test knitting it for her.

Doesn't look like much yet, does it? I dug around in the stash and found some 2/24 lace weight machine knitting yarn. I think it's acrylic, but not absolutely sure. The label doesn't say. I bought it years ago at the Super Yarn Mart. I miss that store.

I have officially started the Laura McCabe project. It starts with my favorite stitch, spiral rope.

I need to think of a name for this besides the Laura McCabe project.

This is the African stitch amulet bag I'm making for the Seadbeadersters May challenge. I started out making 4 ladder stitch loops. Now I'm joining them with this sort of crossing loops sort of stitch, which I'm enjoying doing quite a bit.

So far so good. I love the color combination. I have a new blouse this will go with perfectly. I need to figure out what kind of fringe I'm gonna put on it, and strap.

I was cuddling Cable and took this. I am surprised that she actually looked at the camera.

But not as surprised as I was that we were both in the shot, and relatively centered. I'm getting better at this kind of thing.

If you're interested in participating in WIP Wednesday, please join us.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. I love all of your prijects, especially the shawl beaded bag. Great colors.

    That is a great picture of you and Cable!

  2. Hi Linda Jo...I love your amulet bag. That pattern is beautiful! BUT my absolute fav is that photo of you and your precious pup!! Great pic!!
