
Simple Woman's Daybook for March 6, 2012


Outside my window...
Sunshine! And most of the snow we got the week before is gone. It was a warm weekend. Actually got up to 49F.

I am thinking...
I will survive until spring. Days like this give me hope.

I am thankful...
for tape. Imagine having to live without it? Inconceivable!

In the kitchen...
is a mess. Dishes did not get done after dinner. Actually, they haven't been done since Sunday morning. Tsk tsk!

I am wearing...
my jammies and my leopard print robe.

I am creating...
a fingerless mitt pattern for my friend Ray. He sent me some gorgeous variegated yarn in black, red, white, and grey. I spent the weekend figuring out the stitch patterns to use and writing up the rough draft. Then I cast on for the first mitt and got about an inch of ribbing done.

I am going...
to Rathdrum Knitalong today cuz it's Tuesday and that is what I do on Tuesdays.

I am wondering...
what I will fix for dinner tonight. I've been answering that question almost every day for most of my life. I'm getting tired of having to answer it.

I am reading...
The Bone Walker by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear. I really enjoy these authors books.

I am hoping...
for a peaceful and fun day.

I am looking forward to...
being able to sit out on my deck in the sunshine and knit.

I am learning
all about slip stitch patterns. More than I ever thought I would. They are really quite interesting.

Around the house...
I have a lot of stitch pattern books. I gathered them all up into one place and put them on a shelf together. I had no idea I owned that many!

I am pondering...
if I will plant a garden this year or not. It's been a few years since I've had one.

A favorite quote for today...
I want to live in a world where a chicken can cross the road without anybody questioning it's motives. ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

One of my favorite things...
is watching Cable play in the snow. It's quite funny.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I've got Knit Wits this week. Yay! Yarnies on Thursday. The usual.

Picture thought to share...
How can you not love this face?

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Live long and prosper. \\//

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