
Copper Embers

I began this necklace in 2008. I started with the dichroic glass cabochon which I bought at the Spokane Fair the year before. It was one of those things the artist said didn't turn out the way he'd planned so he sold it to me for a dollar. I love those finds. I turned it into a bead embroidered pendant. It got set aside because I didn't know what I wanted to do with the cab after that.

The Seadbeadersters group challenge for March is Tubular Herringbone stitch. While digging around in the stash looking for ideas for this project, I ran across the cab and suddenly I knew what I was going to do. It didn't take long to make. My new necklace, which I have named Copper Embers.

The necklace is straight up Tubular Herringbone. The bulges are made by changing the bead sizes. I went from 11's to 2 rounds of 8's, one round of 6's, and back again.

As usual, I made a beaded toggle clasp.

All in all, it was a very fun project.

Now I need to buy something to wear it with.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. beautiful! you work fast!

  2. Love your new necklace. Yes, it is something you need to buy an outfit for. LOL

  3. Gorgeous!! I can't believe you got the bead for a dollar! *faints*
