
The All Cable Channel

Today's post is brought to you by me, Cable, and my camera. Have I mentioned how much I love my camera. I did some experimenting with the 'sports' setting. It is for catching action photos. I am quite impressed with the results. These are all actions shots. Click on the pics to embiggen.

Cable and I were playing with her little stuffed Moose toy. I would throw it, she would run and get it, then run around the yard a few times with it in her mouth, then come to me where I'd take it from her and throw it again. This is her favorite game. Also, as you can see, the snow is almost gone.

Come on Mom, lets play!

Bringing Moosey to me.

Catching the vicious Moosey.

Moosey says "Squeek! Squeek!"


Here I come, Mom, ready or not! She was running toward me at full speed and she still came out clear.

Have I mentioned how much I love my camera?

Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and it looks like you two had a lot of fun.
