
WIP Wednesday 2/22/2012

I have just one WIP to show you today.

I've been working on finishing Luis the Seahorse. The instructions are written in German, so it's been quite a challenge figuring them out. So far it's looking like it's supposed to. I have the back fin and the nose left and he'll be done.

Yesterday was our 30th wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going out to dinner at Cedars Floating Restaurant. It floats in Lake Coeur d'Alene. We've lived here almost 20 years and never been to it. I wish I hadn't waited so long. It was very nice and the food was outstanding. Sweet Hubby and I enjoyed it very much.

Sweet Hubby got me flowers and chocolates too. These are the flowers.

I ate the chocolates without taking pictures first. Oh well.

Weather report:  Yesterday it warmed up considerably. It's been raining quite a bit too so the snow we got over the weekend is just about all gone. Now the wind is blowing like crazy and snow is expected in the near future. I am longing for spring.

If you're interested in participating in WIP Wednesday, please join us.

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. Happy anniversary! Love the flowers and especially the seahorse!

  2. Luis is SO. COOL.

    Happy anniversary to you!
