
Simple Woman's Daybook February 6, 2012


Outside my window...
Sunshine and blue sky. It's a beautiful day today.

I am thinking...
the Cherry Limeade I made myself is very tasty.

I am thankful...
for the friends I have. A few of them took me out to lunch today cuz it's my birthday!

In the kitchen...
very little is happening. I'm not cooking on my birthday. Nuff said.

I am wearing...
black slacks and a red and black print blouse with the black and red jewelry set I made in December of 2010.

I am creating...
the pattern for the Blog Reader Special socks. I have three test knitters working on it for me. No more mistakes have been found-so far.

I am going...
out to dinner tonight cuz it's my birthday.

I am wondering...
where we're going for dinner because I haven't decided what I want to eat yet.

I am reading...
The Inside Ring by Mike Lawson. It was on sale for 99 cents in Nook format, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's a political thriller and I'm enjoying it very much. Lots of intrigue.

I am hoping...
all is good with the sock pattern. I'd like to get it to Ray sooner than later.

I am looking forward to...
dinner tonight with Sweet Hubby and daughter Ruth.

I am learning
new things in knitting. When I do short row heels on my socks, I've been having problems with holes at the corners of the heels. I Googled it and found the answer on the blog Cosmic Pluto Knits!. I love it when I learn a new knitting trick.

Around the house...
It's pretty quiet. The cats are sleeping on Ruth's bed and Cable is laying on the floor next to me. Ruth is doing something on her computer. It's a fairly clean house because we had company here yesterday to watch the Super Bowl.

I am pondering...
what sort of pattern I should start for Ray now that the socks are almost done. I have so many ideas!

A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite things...
Cherry Limeade. I make mine with Ginger Ale and a dash of Roses Cherry Grenadine and Lime Syrup. Sometimes I'll add a shot of vodka. But not today.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Rathdrum Knitalong tomorrow and Yarnies on Thursday. Other than that, just puttering at home.

Picture thought to share...


If you want to join the Simple Woman's Daybook, click here

Live long and prosper. \\//


  1. I noticed you mentioned my book, The Inside Ring, on your blog and just wanted to say thanks, Mike Lawson

  2. Happy birthday! I went out to dinner tonight with some friends for another one's birthday. I found out her birthday was January 5. ha. (I think we're a little late!) We had dinner at The Mellow Mushroom, a pizza place that I love. Hope you had a great dinner too.

    Thanks for sharing your daybook.
