
Vanguard Ribbon Bracelet

I did some beading. I made a bracelet. I joined my first Bead Along of the year. The pattern was written and provided by Carolyn, owner of CSD Designs, an Artfire shop. She is also the owner of the Yahoo beading group, Seedbeadersters that had the Bead Along.

I finished the bracelet yesterday morning. It was so pretty I decided to wear it when I went grocery shopping. Somewhere between the front door and the store the bracelet fell off and I lost it. I spent the better part of the day looking for it in the snow around my car (we had over 8 inches), in the house, in the parking lot at the store, and in the store itself. I was quite upset about losing it. Especially so quickly. It had only been done an hour!

Well, today my sweet hubby and I went outside. We kind of dug around the snow a bit in hopes of finding it, but no luck. So hubby decided to plow the parking area. He put all the snow that was around or under where my car was parked in a pile and then come spring, when it melted, if the bracelet was there, I would find it. After he got done, I was standing in the freshly plowed parking area when I looked down and there, in the ice, was my bracelet! He'd run over it several times with the tractor, so it took some doing to pry it out. But it wasn't damaged. In fact, it's just fine.

The base is Peyote stitch done with size 8 pearl off-white seed beads.

It's embellished on top with size 11 Czech seed beads in silver lined Montana Blue and size 12 Charlottes in pearl off-white. The picots on the side are off white transparent size 15 seed beads. The 4mm crystals are Mountain Blue Swarovski.

I put a silver box clasp on it. I have learned to make sure it's hooked together properly before leaving the house.

I did have to adjust the pattern a bit because it called for Japanese size 11 seed beads and I used something just slightly smaller in the embellishment. I added extra beads where necessary.

The pattern is available at CSD Designs as the Vanguard Ribbon bracelet.

We did finally get the snow storm. It snowed Wednesday night and all day long on Thursday. It snowed a bit Friday too. We had a total of about 8 inches. Today it warmed up and melted some and now the weather prediction is for rain.

Well, I think I'll get some knitting done this afternoon. I've gotta finish that sock for Ray.

Live long and prosper. \\//

1 comment:

  1. I love the bracelet! I hadn't planned to participate in the Bead A Long, as I am swamped with other things, but after seeing how lovely these are coming out (no matter the color scheme) I am gonna have to do one myself.

    So glad you found yours!
