
A Potpourri of Things

Is it Tuesday already? Time is just flying this week.

Over the weekend we worked on putting the new flooring in the sun room. All day Saturday we worked on emptying the room and getting the floor ready to glue the bamboo to. That required removing about 5 million staples. They must have had a sale on staples the day they installed the carpet. Here's what it looked like after we emptied it-except that desk. We had no place to put it so we just left it and moved it out of the way as needed.

On Sunday we laid bamboo all day. We got about 2/3rds done. Here's how it looks at the moment. We'll probably finish that last part next Sunday.

One of my orchids is blooming.

Check out this site: One Million Giraffes

They are trying to get one million pictures of hand made giraffes posted on the site by 2011. It's an ambitious project. No particular reason for doing it except to say they did. I intend to contribute something.

There is a new very nice stretchy bind off in the current issue of Knitty E-magazine:

Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off

I've tried it and I like it a lot. It comes in handy for toe-up socks and lace shawls.

I am making more Octahedral beaded beads. I thought I was done and was going to do something else for awhile (I have a craving for some ornament covers) but then I stumbled into a little transaction with one of my Ravelry friends. He is going to trade me 3 skeins of hand dyed sock yarn for 3 octahedra bead key chains. I am so excited. I will tell more when I know more.

I am still working on my Bayerische sock when I get the chance. Not much knitting going on with all this upheaval in the house. But I'm managing to get a row in here and there.

I have joined a Mystery Shawl knit along. It starts January 1st, 2010. I've decided 2010 will be the year of lace (last year was the year of socks). It is being hosted on Yahoo groups by MMario if you want to join us. He does such wonderful shawl patterns. I figure what ever he comes up with for us to knit will be beautiful. I've got tons of lace weight yarn in my stash, also known as knitting machine yarn. I might as well use it.

Next Saturday is the annual Parktoberfest. I've been remembering last years and I was not walking hardly at all then. It was shortly after my surgery disaster. I remember struggling to get from my car to the chair they had for me so I could at least be there. I'm in a lot better shape today. I'm walking fairly well. My leg still swells up, but I've learned how to live with it.

I'm planning on making a crock pot dish for the event, as well as a platter of fresh veggies and dip. I was perusing my crock pot cookbook and I think I will try something new called Enchilada Ole'. It involves tortillas, meat, salsa, green chilies, sour cream, and cheese. Looks super easy and super tasty too. The meat called for is chicken, but I think I'm going to use beef instead. It should substitute just fine.

I wanted to make spaghetti pie, but I have no way to keep it warm. There is no oven at the party location. Spaghetti Pie is not very good cold.

Have a great day.

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