
Learning Something New

Now that I'm done with making the beaded beads for the swap, I can go on to something new. Awhile ago I bought Diane Fitzgerald's newest book Shaped Beadwork. I'm going to tackle some of the lessons in this book. I've started with learning how to bead a dodecahedron, which is a 3 dimensional shape made with 12 pentagons. Here's where I am with my first one.

Using 3 colors of size 11 seed beads. The book says to use Delicas, but I don't have very many in my stash, and they're hard to find around here (I sure miss Beading Buddies). So I shall go with what I've got for now.

I need to make 5 more pentagons and then I can assemble it.

The weekend was good. On Saturday Sweet Hubby and I went foraging for moving accouterments. We have a piano and a rather large heavy treadmill in the sun room that will have to be moved before we can start tearing up carpet in there. The plan is to do that next weekend. I have my bad back, and he's getting old, so we decided to buy a piano dolly and whatnot for moving heavy items more easily. We find ourselves more and more needing to move something heavy and having no one but us to do it. These tools will help.

This morning the UPS guy delivered a new beading book. It is about right angle weave, which I love to do. The book seems to be pretty good, so far. Good diagrams, lots of photos, good explanation on how to do things. The projects are absolutely scrumptious. I'm happy to add it to my library.

Our weather for this week is supposed to be summer-like, in the 80's and 90's. However, it started out this morning at 26F. Thus ends the life of the 'deck garden', and my dahlia bud was just opening up. Rats. No more tomatoes either. I would have covered everything before going to bed but I really didn't think it was going to get that cold. I mean, it was warm yesterday, and it's hot today. How was I to know?

Have a good day.

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